Rahmath Nagar, Tirunelveli - 627011
3 Name of the Department
4 Date of Birth 03.01.1980
5 Gender Male
6 Nature of Appointment TEMPORARY
7 Date of Appointment 16.06.2016
9 Email Id
10 Blood Group 0 tve

11 Education Details
S.No Degree Institution University Year of Study Grade

12 Details of Orientation or Refresher courses attended :
S.No Theme University/Institution Sponsor Duration Date
1 Value Added Millets Products Department of Human Development Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, (2 Days) 28/01/2010 to 29/01/2010

13 Details of Seminars,Conferences,workshops, etc.(With ISBN/ISSN) :
S.No Type Theme Organizedby Sponsor , ISBN/ISSN Date
1 NationalSeminar NATIONAL LEVEL SEMINAR White Memorial College of Education , 30.01.2012
2 InstitutionalWorkshop WORKSHOP ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Saraswathy College of Nursing Parasala , Thiruvananathapuram , 03.08.2012
3 NationalWorkshop WORKSHOP ON HOW TO GET PUBLISH IN THE RIGHT JOURNAL Grabs Educational and Charitable Trust, Chennai , 22.01.2017
4 InstitutionalWorkshop WORKSHOP ON ADVANCES IN CARDIOLOGY Christian College of Neyyoor, Kanniyakumari , 26.02.2011
5 InstitutionalWorkshop ,
6 InternationalSeminar INNOVATION AND BEST PRACTICES IN TEACHING AND LEARNING Muslim College of Education -, 24-24th January,2014
7 InternationalSeminar NUTRITIONAL EPIDEMIOLOGY AND RESEARCH METHODS Sarah Tucker College,Tirunelveli ,Tamil Nadu -, 30th August, 2016
8 InternationalSeminar BIO ACTIVE NATURAL COMPOUNDS FROM PLANT FOODS IN NUTRITION AND HEALTH Department of Home Science, C.M.S College Kotayam,Kerala ICMR, 20-22 September,2012
9 InternationalSeminar RECENT INNOVATIONS IN NATURAL RESOURCES TO PREVENT CANCER Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Sadakathullah Appa College ,Tirunelveli, 15th February,2016
10 InternationalSeminar SMART DIETS FOR CARDIAC HEALTH-CARDIAC CARE Department of Food and Nutrition , Holy Cross Home Science College,Thoothukudi -, 06th February,2015
11 InternationalSeminar ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY FOR FOOD SECURITY Sree Ayyapa College for Women ,Nagercoil NABARD,AMBO UNIVERSITY,TNFU,MSU, 22-24th,September,2016
12 InternationalSeminar RECENT TRENDS IN INDIAN MEDICINE A TECHNOLOGICAL OVERVIEW Govt Siddha Medical College,Scad College of Engineering and Technology -, 23-24th September,2016
13 InternationalSeminar ,
14 StateSeminar HEALTHY COOKING FOR A HEALTHY LIFE STYLE, NUTRIFITE, Nutrition and Dietetics Dr. N.G.P.Arts and Science College , Coimbatore, 01.09.2005
15 StateSeminar TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY IN HOTEL SECTOR Hotel Management & Nutrition and Dietetics Udaya College of Arts and Science, Vellamodi, Tamil Nadu , 27.09.2102
16 StateSeminar CLIMATIC CHANGES AND ITS IMPACT ON BIO RESOURCES Department of Botany and Dairy Science Sree Adhiparaskthi College For Women, Courtallam, 23.12.2013
17 StateSeminar THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF LOW CARB HIGH HAT DIET- AN OVER VIEW Sri Meenakshi Government Arts College for Women IDA Chapter Kilakarai, 07.01.2017
18 StateSeminar CLIMATIC CHANGES AND ITS IMPACT ON BIO RESOURCES Department of Botany and Dairy Science Sree Adhiparaskthi College For Women, Courtallam, 23.12.2013
19 StateSeminar STATE LEVEL CONFERENCE IN INNOVATIONS IN NEUROSCIENCES Department of Medical Surgical Nursing White Memorial College of Nursing,Attoor, K.K.District, 30.09.2015
20 StateSeminar SEGMENTATION, FEATURE EXTRACTION AND CLASSIFICATION USING MAT LAB PG and Research Department of Computer Sciences Sadakathullah Appa College Tirunelveli,, 21.09.2016
21 NationalSeminar PROGNOSIS OF FOOD PROCESSING SECTORS IN HEALTH PROMOTION Nutrition and Dietetics, Dr N.G.P. Arts and Science College , Coimbatore , 29.08.2011
22 NationalSeminar ALL INDIA CONFERENCE Women’s Christian College , Nagercoil Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences , 16.09.2011&17.09.2011
23 NationalSeminar INNOVATIONS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ITS RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES Botany Department Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil , 21.09.2011
24 NationalSeminar RECENT TRENDS IN FOOD PROCESSING AND HEALTH SCENARIO IN INDIA Nutrition and Dietetics. Muslim Arts College , Thiruvithancode , 27.01.2012
25 NationalSeminar DIETARY MODIFICATIONS IN PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF LIFE STYLE DISEASES Home Science V.V.Vaniaperumal College for Women, Viruthunagar , 03.02.2012
26 NationalSeminar LIFE STYLE MODIFICATION TOWARDS MANAGEMENT OF DIABETES Food Science and Nutrition Holy Cross Home Science College , Thoothukudi Panacea Health Education, 04.02.2012
27 NationalSeminar NEW VISTAS OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS AND FOOD PROCESSING Botany and Food Science and Nutrition, Sarah Tucker College , Thirunelveli , 19.03.2012
28 NationalSeminar KANYAKUMARI ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Sree Ayyapa College for Women, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu , 05.10.2012 & 06.10.2012
29 NationalSeminar LIVE JEWELS BREEDING AND MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES (LJBMT 2012)12.10.2012 Department of Zoology, Vivekananda College, Kanniyakumari , 12.10.2012
30 NationalSeminar RECENT TRENDS IN MEDICINAL PLANTS AND THEIR PRODUCTS Biochemistry and clinical laboratory Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College , Coimbatore , 18.09.2013
31 NationalSeminar EMERGING TECHNOLOGY IN PROCESSING AND VALUE ADDITION OF MILLETS FOR BETTER UTILIZATION Home Science College and Research Institute TNAU, Madurai. , 13.03.2015 and 14.03.2015
32 NationalSeminar DISASTER MANAGEMENT White Memorial College of Nursing, Attoor, Kanniyakumari District, Tamil Nadu , 05.06.2014 and 06.05.2014
33 NationalSeminar NINTH ALL INDIA CONFERENCE OF KANNIYAKUMARI ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Sree Ayyapa College for Women, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu , 22.08.2014 & 23.08.2014
34 NationalSeminar TOWARDS ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AND RESEARCH Sree Ayyapa College for Women, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu , 27.08.2014
35 NationalSeminar TENTH ALL INDIA CONFERENCE OF KANYAKUMARI ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil , 18.09.2015 & 19.09.2015
36 NationalSeminar ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES IN PLANT RESEARCH S.A Raja College of Pharmacy, Vadakankulam , 23.01.2016
37 NationalSeminar FRUITION OF NUTRI-HOSPITALITY Udaya College of Arts and Science, Vellamodi Department of Hotel Management and Catering Science , 13.04.2016
38 NationalSeminar MIRACLE GRAINS MILLETS FOR A HEALTHY LIVING White Memorial College of Nursing, Attoor, Kanniyakumari District, Tamil Nadu , 19.04.2016
40 NationalSeminar HEALTHY HOSPITALITY ORDINEM 07.10.2016 Immanuel Arasar College of of Hotel Management and Catering Science , 07.10.2016
41 NationalSeminar MOCK TAIL Kalasaligam university department of of Hotel Management and Catering Science , 21.10.2016
42 InstitutionalWorkshop ANIMAL PRESERVATION TECHNIQUES Sadakathullah Appa College, Tirunelveli, Department Of Zoology and Government Museum Department Of Zoology and Government Museum, 17.08.2016 To 19.08.2016
43 InstitutionalWorkshop WORKSHOP ON TOOLS AND METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION Saraswathy College of Nursing Parasala , Thiruvananathapuram , 22.04.2017
44 InternationalSeminar , //

14 Details of Papers / Poster published :
S.No Type Theme Organizedby Date
1 Seminars International
2 Seminars 09.12.2011 to 12.12.2011 Proceedings of Ist International Symposium on Cashew Nut organized by TNAU and International Society for Horticultural Sciences in Co-Operation with ICAR New Delhi and Directorate of Cashew and Cocoa Development, Cochin International
3 Seminars 12th October Proceedings of the National Seminar on Live Jewels Breeding and Management Techniques (LJBMT-2012) International
4 Seminars September,2015 Proceedings of the Tenth All India Conference of KAAS(A Peer Reviewed Research Papers 0f KAAS National Level Seminar) International
5 Seminars 03.10.2011& 04.10.2011 Culture and Health State
6 Seminars 28.09.2015 State Level Food Exhibition State
7 Seminars 07.01.2017 Therapeutic Potential of Low Carb High Hat Diet- An Over View State
8 Seminars 27.01.2012 Recent Trends in Food Processing and Health Scenario in India National
9 Seminars 27.01.2012 Recent Trends in Food Processing and Health Scenario in India National
10 Seminars 30.01.2012 National Level Seminar on Education National
11 Seminars 03.02.2012 Dietary Modifications in Prevention and Management of Life Style Diseases 03.02.2012 National
12 Seminars 04.02.2012 Life Style Modification towards Management of Diabetes 04.02.2012 National
13 Seminars 19.03.2012 New Vistas of Genetically Modified Crops and Food Processing 19.03.2012 National
14 Seminars 05.06.2014 and 06.05.2014 Disaster Management 05.06.2014 and 06.05.2014 National
15 Seminars 19.04.2016 Miracle Grains Millets for a Healthy Living 19.04.2016 National
16 Seminars 07.10.2016 Healthy Hospitality Ordinem National
17 Seminars 21.10.2016 Mock tail National
18 Conferences 20-22 September 2012 .Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioactive Natural Compounds in Plant Food in Human Health and Diseases International
19 Seminars 24-25 January 2014 Proceedings of International Seminar on Innovations and Best Practices in Teaching and Learning International
20 Conferences 5th and 6th October 2012 Proceedings of the Eight All India Conference of KAAS (A Peer Reviewed Research Papers of KAAS National Seminar) National
21 Conferences 5th and 6th October 2012 Proceedings of the Eight All India Conference of KAAS (A Peer Reviewed Research Papers of KAAS National Seminar) National
22 Conferences Proceedings of the Eight All India Conference of KAAS (A Peer Reviewed Research Papers of KAAS National Seminar) National
23 Seminars 13th April 2016 Proceedings of the National Level Seminar in Fruition of Nutria Hospitality International
24 Seminars 13th April 2016 Proceedings of the National Level Seminar in Fruition of Nutria Hospitality National
25 Seminars 08 th February,2017 Proceedings of the National Level Seminar in Nutritional Management in Metabolic Syndrome National
26 Seminars September,2015 Proceedings of the Tenth All India Conference of KAAS(A Peer Reviewed Research Papers 0f KAAS National Level Seminar) International
27 Seminars // Application of Biotechnology in Rural Development National

15 Details of visit as a resource person for guest Lectures or seminars/ Ph.D, Viva-voce Examination :
S.No Type Title Nature of Visit Institution Name Date
1 Seminar Health and Safety in Catering and Hospitality- National Seminar on Healthy Hospitality Ordinem Immanuel Arasar College of Hotel Management and Aviation,Kanniyakumari,Tamil Nadu 07.10.2016
2 Invited Lecture Tuberculosis and its Preventive Measures Cet College of Nursing,Thidal, Kanniyakumari,Tamil Nadu 26.03.2013
3 Invited Lecture Breakfast Skipping in College Students and its Impact JDT Islam College of Nursing , Vellimadukunnu, Kerala 21.01.2014
4 Seminar Underutilized Fruits for Mocktail Preparation-National Level Workshop in Mocktail Kalasalingam University,Tamil Nadu 21.10.2016
5 Invited Lecture Diabetic Diet National Hospital College of Nursing ,Kerala 23.01.2014
6 Invited Lecture Ill Effects of Obesity Sivanthi Aditianar College of Physical Education,Tamil Nadu 15.03.2016
7 Invited Lecture Role of Nutrition in Community Nursing SIMET College of Nursing, Palakad,Kerala 13.06.2016
8 Seminar Post Harvest Preservation of Horticultural Produce by Biotechnological Techniques-UGC Sponsored National Workshop on Applications of Biotechnology in Rural Development Kalasalingam University,Tamil Nadu 10.02.2017
9 Invited Lecture Judging Panel,Preparation of Economic Nutritious Food and Fruit and Vegetable Preservation The Directorate of Public Instruction,Kerala 25.11.2016

16 Details of publication of articles / Chapters written in Edited Books :
S.No Book Name Chapter / Articles Title Name & Address of the Publisher Month & Year of Publication

17 Details of individual/collaborative MAJOR/MINOR research project undertaken :
S.No Title of the Project Name & Address of the Collaborating Faculty Funcding Agency & Fund Sanctioned Period Date of Commencement Date of Completion

18 Details on Research Guidance :
S.No Type Name of the candidate Title of the Dissertation University Status Date of Registered Date of Submitted Date of Awarded

19 Details of papers published in Journals :
S.No Journal Type Name of the Journal Title of the article Name of the Co-authors Vol No,Issue No,Page Nos.ISSN No/DOI Month and year of Publication Impact Factor Whether Peer reviewed or not
1 National Journal Sadakath -A Research Bulletin The Role of Mint Leaves in Preventing Diseases Vol.IV No.01,Pp52-57,ISSN 2347-7644,UGC NO:64130 July 2016 Yes
2 National Journal Health-A Journal Devoted to Healthful Living Soursop Vol.94,Pp04-09,ISSN 0017-8861 April 2016 No
3 National Journal Health-A Journal Devoted to Healthful Living Brain Foods Dr Cissie Theeblyn David Vol.95,N0.09, Pp 04-07,ISSN 0017-8861 September 2017 No
4 International Journal International Journal of Advance Research in Management, Articheture, Technology and Engineering Genetically Modified Foods- A Focus Cisisie Theeblyn David , Riji Madhusudhanan Volume :02 , Issue : 12, Pp-24-27; ISSN-2454-9762, ISBN :978-81-910-747-5-8 December 2016 4.231 Yes
5 International Journal International Journal of Advance Research Trends in Engineering and Technology, Degenerative Diseases and Fibre Cisisie Theeblyn David , Riji Madhusudhanan Volume:04 , Issue :04, Pp-28-33; ISSN-2394-3777, UGC Recognized April 2017 4.753 Yes
6 International Journal International Journal of Advance Research Trends in Engineering and Technology Sea Foods Consumption From Birth to Death Cisisie Theeblyn David , Riji Madhusudhanan Volume:04 , Issue :05, Pp-28-33; ISSN-2394-3777, UGC Recognized May 2017, 4.753 Yes
7 International Journal Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities A Review on Certain Underutilized Green Leafy Vegetables Cisisie Theeblyn David , Riji Madhusudhanan Volume:05 , Issue :01,Pp-77-80; ISSN-2321-788X, UGC Recognized:43960 July 2017 2.114 Yes
8 National Journal Health-A Journal Devoted to Healthful Living Potential Health Benefits of the Tropical Fruit Rambhutan Vol.94,Pp11-10,ISSN 0017-8861 November 2016 No
9 National Journal Health-A Journal Devoted to Healthful Living Chia Seeds the Super Foods of 21st Century Dr Cissie Theeblyn David Vol.95,Pp09-10,ISSN 0017-8861 February 2017 No

20 Details of Research / other awards received :
S.No Research / Other award Type of Award Title of the Award Awarding Agency / University / Government Year
1 Research award International Best Poster Award-I International Symposium on Cashew Nut TNAU,ICAR,DCCD,NEW DELHI 2011
2 Research award National Professor M.S.Swaminathan Best Young Scientist Award BSS,TNSRO, 2017
3 Other award National Best Young Teacher Award GRABS,Chennai 2017
4 Other award National Best Booklet Award -National Level Workshop in Disaster Management White Memorial College of Nursing,Tamil Nadu 2014
5 Research award International I Prize Poster Presentation-International Seminar on Nutritional Epidemiology and Research Methods Sarah Tucker College ,Tirunelveli 2017
6 Research award National II Prize in Poster Presentation-National Level Seminar in Nutritional Mnagement in Metabolic Syndrome Sri S.Ramaswamy Naidu Memorial College,Sattur 2017

21 Details of Membership in Editorial Board of Books/Journals/magazines/other records published in our college :
S.No Name of the Journal/magazines/other/records Status in the Board ISBN/ISSN No.(if any) Year
1 IJARMATE Editorial Board Member 2454-9762 2017
2 Indian Journal of Natural Sciences ECM (Editorial Committee Member) 0976-0997 2017
3 IJARTET Board of Members 2394-3785 2017
4 International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Assistant Editor 2455-4898 2017
5 Lesser Known Fruits and Vegetables Editor 2022
6 Recent Research in Medicinal Plants Editor 2022
7 Responsive Teaching and Research Editoral member 2022

22 Various Positions held :
S.No College/University/Institution Position Department Duration
1 Sadakathullah Appa College Sub Warden for Men’s Hostel 2016 to till date
2 Sadakathullah Appa College Sadak Outreach Programme 2017-2018
3 Sadakathullah Appa College Youth Welfare and Fine Arts 2017-2018
4 Sadakathullah Appa College Campus Monitoring Committee 2017-2018
5 Sadakathullah Appa College NIRF-MEMBER 2019 -2020
6 Sadakathullah Appa College NPTEL-MENTOR 2019 -2020
7 Sadakathullah Appa College NAAC-CRITERIA 5 2019 -2020
8 Sadakathullah Appa College HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT NUTRITION AND DIETETICS From 12th September 2023

23 Membership in other Academic Agencies/bodies :
S.No Name of the Agencies Board Period

Last Updated on : 01/11/2018 11:04:47