Rahmath Nagar, Tirunelveli - 627011
2 Designation Assistant Professor
3 Name of the Department
4 Date of Birth
5 Gender Female
6 Nature of Appointment SELF FINANCE
7 Date of Appointment 12.12.2018
8 Address Rahmath Nagar tirunelveli tamilnadu 
9 Email Id
10 Blood Group B+ve

11 Education Details
S.No Degree Institution University Year of Study Grade

12 Details of Orientation or Refresher courses attended :
S.No Theme University/Institution Sponsor Duration Date

13 Details of Seminars,Conferences,workshops, etc.(With ISBN/ISSN) :
S.No Type Theme Organizedby Sponsor , ISBN/ISSN Date
1 InstitutionalSeminar MODERN TRENDS IN BENEFICIAL MICROBES Department of Microbiology , 2006/03/02
2 InstitutionalSeminar FACULTY ENRICHMENT PROGRAMME Sarah Tucker College,Palayamkottai , 2012/21/09
3 NationalWorkshop NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON COMPUTER AIDED DRUG DESIGN Department of Zoology, Sadakathullah Appa College, Tirunelveli. , 019 /24/1.
4 StateSeminar RECYCLING AND REUSE OF DOMESTIC WASTES Department of Zoology, St.John's College, Palayamkottai AIACHE, 1997/18/12
5 NationalSeminar NATURE AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, Sadakathullah Appa college, Palayamkottai , 2011/31/01
6 StateSeminar HEALTH PROMOTION Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Sarah Tucker College,Palayamkottai , 2011/30/09
7 NationalSeminar NEW VISTAS OF GENENTICALLY MODIFIED CROPS AND FOOD PROCESSING Department of Botany & Food Science and Nutrition, Sarah Tucker College,Palayamkottai , 2012/19/03
8 InstitutionalWorkshop BACKYARD FISH CULTURE TRAINING FOR WOMEN FOR INCOME GENERATION Centre for Aquaculture Research and Extension, St.Xavier's College , 013/8//2/
9 NationalSeminar NATIONAL SEMINAR ON RECENT TRENDS IN PEST MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OF OUR NATURAL ENEMIES Department of Zoology, V.O.Chidambaram College Tutucorin , 2012/15/03
10 InstitutionalWorkshop MUSHROOM CULTIVATION Department of Plant Pathology, Agricultural College and Research Institute , Vallanad, St.John's College, Palayamkottai , 2017/07/02
11 InternationalSeminar , //
12 StateWorkshop RECENT TRENDS IN VERMITECHNOLOGY-INNOVATIVE EXPERIMENTS ON EARTHWORM Department of Zoology Pope’s college , 2019/22/07
13 InternationalConference INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF 3RD BIOPESTICIDE St.Xavier's college,Palayamkottai , 2011/28/11
14 StateSeminar CLIMATE CHANGE-GLOBAL WARMING Govindammal Aditanar College, Tiruchendur , 015/6./2.
15 InstitutionalWorkshop INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE TRAINING PROGRAMME Sarah Tucker College,Palayamkottai , 2013/24/01
16 NationalSeminar INNOVATIVE RESEARCH TRENDS IN HERBAL SYSTEM OF MEDICINE Department of Botany, Sarah Tucker College,Palayamkottai , 2013/05/04
17 NationalSeminar NATIONAL SEMINAR ON PROBIOTICS AND ANIMAL HEALTH Department of Animal Science, M.S University Tirunelveli , 2016/14/03
18 InstitutionalWorkshop HANDS ON TRAINING ON IMMUNOTECHNOLOGY Department of Zoology, St.John's College, Palayamkottai , 2008/19/08
19 InstitutionalWorkshop PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT AND EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Manonmaniam Sundaranar University , 2009/14/12
20 NationalSeminar IMPACT OF CHEMISTRY ON ENVIRONMENT AND NANOMATERIALS Department of Chemistry, Sarah Tucker College,Palayamkottai , 2010/15/10
21 InstitutionalSeminar FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Sadakathulla Appa College Tirunelveli , 2019/11/01
22 InternationalConference INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN MICROBIOLOGY Dept.of.Microbiology Sadakathulla Appa College Tirunelveli , 2019/08/21
23 InternationalWorkshop WORKSHOP ON RESTORATION OF WETLANDS Department of Plant science M.S University Tirunelveli , 2020/01/23
24 InstitutionalWorkshop WORKSHOP ON MUSHROOM CULTIVATION Deparment of Botany and Zoology Sadakathulla Appa College Tirunelveli , 2020/02/04
25 InternationalSeminar INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON EMERGING TRENDS IN LIFE SCIENCES Department of Zoology, St. John’s College, Palayamkottai , 2019/03/18
26 NationalSeminar NATIONAL SEMINAR ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABILITY Dept.of Zoology Sadakathulla Appa College Tirunelveli , 2019/08/19
27 NationalSeminar NATIONAL SEMINAR ON WRITING ARTICLES IN SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS Department of Library and Information Science Sadakathulla Appa College Tirunelveli , 2020/02/01

14 Details of Papers / Poster published :
S.No Type Theme Organizedby Date
1 Conferences 2021/22/01 National virtual conference National
2 Conferences 2019/18/03 International seminar on emerging trends in life sciences International
3 Seminars 2019/19/08 National seminar on environmental protection and sustainability National
4 Conferences 2019/21/08 International conference on entrepreneurship in microbiology International
5 Seminars 2012/15/03 Recent trends in Pest Management and Conservation of our Natural Enemies National
6 Conferences 2011/28/11 Biopesticide International Conference International
7 Seminars 2021/18/03 National seminar National
8 Seminars 2021/19/03 National seminar National

15 Details of visit as a resource person for guest Lectures or seminars/ Ph.D, Viva-voce Examination :
S.No Type Title Nature of Visit Institution Name Date
1 Invited Lecture Aquaculture - Inservice Training Programme For Secondary Grade Science Teachers Sarah Tucker College, Palyamkottai 20.12.2010 & 21.12.2010
2 Seminar Climate Change Department of Zoology, Govindammal Aditanar College, Tiruchendur 6.02.2015
3 Invited Lecture Biodiversity on Hotspots Department of Zoology, Aditanar College of Arts and Science, Tiruchendur 27.02.2015
4 Invited Lecture Mushroom cultivation for enhancing employability among youth Department of Zoology, Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar College, Melaneelithanallur 8.02.2017
5 Invited Lecture Biomedical Instrumentation Department of Nanoscience, Sarah Tucker College, Palayamkottai 11.03.2013
6 Invited Lecture Conservation of biodiversity St. John’s College of education, Palayamkottai 09.11.2019

16 Details of publication of articles / Chapters written in Edited Books :
S.No Book Name Chapter / Articles Title Name & Address of the Publisher Month & Year of Publication

17 Details of individual/collaborative MAJOR/MINOR research project undertaken :
S.No Title of the Project Name & Address of the Collaborating Faculty Funcding Agency & Fund Sanctioned Period Date of Commencement Date of Completion
1 A study on biodiversity of flora and fauna of Sadakathullah Appa College Sadakathullah Appa college10000/- 2019-2020 // //

18 Details on Research Guidance :
S.No Type Name of the candidate Title of the Dissertation University Status Date of Registered Date of Submitted Date of Awarded
3 Ph.D M.S.Jency Malar Lepidium sativum Linn.: “ A study on its ethanopharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacology and Toxicity” MANONMANIAM SUNDARANAR AWARDED 2014/25/02 // AWARDED

19 Details of papers published in Journals :
S.No Journal Type Name of the Journal Title of the article Name of the Co-authors Vol No,Issue No,Page Nos.ISSN No/DOI Month and year of Publication Impact Factor Whether Peer reviewed or not
1 National Journal Journal of Entomological research Studies on nutritional effects of Arthrospira platensis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation with silver nanoparticles on growth and economic traits of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L M. Sithi Jameela 44 (4) :(2020). 2020 yes
2 -Select- Sadakath Bulletin Impact of Silver Nanoparticles of Vigna Unguiculata and Macrotyloma Uniflorum on Growth and Economic Traits of Silkworm Bombyx Mori, L Vol. VII, No. 2 January, 2020.
3 International Journal Science Direct – biotechnology report Antioxidative activity of different parts of the plant Lepidium sativum Linn Jency Malar, K. Chairman, Anita R.J. Singh, J. Shifa Vanmathi, A. Balasubramaniana, K. Vasanthi 3 (2014) 95–98 2215-017X/© 2014 1.0 Yes
4 International Journal IRA-International Journal of Applied Sciences. Influence of Supplementation of Zea Mays Flour on the Growth and Economic Traits of Silkworm, Bombyx Mori L.( ISSN 2455-4499; Vol.03, Issue 03 2016 3.46. Yes
5 International Journal International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences , Enrichment of soil fertility and growth and yield of capsicum annum by vermicompost application. Vol. 3, Issue 7, ISSN: (2349-4077) July 2016 IF- 3.827 Yes
6 International Journal Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology Antidiabetic Activity of Different Parts of the Plant Lepidium sativum Linn. M.S.Jency Malar, and K.Chairman Volume 1, Issue 9, Pages 135-141, 2017. Yes
7 International Journal International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts Anti bacterial activity of commercial antibiotics and zinc oxide nanoparticles against selected uti pathogens - a comparative study M.Narmatha Selvakumari, J.Shifa Vanmathi, M.Kannan, L.Jeyaprabha and K.Chairman. A Volume 6, Issue 2 ISSN: 2320-2882. April 2018 | Yes
8 International Journal International Journal of Advanced Research. Phytochemical analysis of Lepidium sativum Linn using UV-VIS and GC-MS analysis. M.S.Jency Malar and K.Chairman vol 6(9), 813-825.ISSN:2320-5407. 2018 Yes
9 International Journal Global Journal Of Science Frontier Research Efficacy of Selected Plant Extracts On The Oviposition Deterrent And Adult Emergence Activity of Callosobruchus Maculatus .F (Bruchidae; Coeleoptera). C.Padmalatha, A.J.A.Ranjith singh . ISSN:0975-5896 , VOL.10.ISSUE.8. December 2011. Yes
10 International Journal Journal of Biopesticides Impact of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana on pest, C.maculatus. C.Padmalatha, A.J.A.Ranjith singh ISSN:0974-391X VOL.4.NO.2 December 2011. 0.5. Yes
11 International Journal Elixir applied botany The influence of vermicompost on the growth and yield of Hibiscus esculentus Narmatha Selvakumari,M ISSN:2229-712X 44 7416-7419. (March 2012) Yes
12 -Select- International journal of advanced pharmaceutical and biological sciences. Potential of vermicompost on physico chemical properties of soil. Narmatha Selvakumari,M ISSN:2249-8966 VOL.2.ISSUE.2 April 2012. Yes
13 International Journal Bio Technology- Elixir International Journal. Effect of chosen botanicals on the oviposition deterrence and adult emergence of callosobruchus maculatus (f) (coleoptera: bruchidae). C.Padmalatha, A.J.A.Ranjith singh ISSN:2229-712X 51A 11120-11123. (October 2012) Yes
14 National Journal Sarah research Journal Insecticidal activity of botanicals on oviposition and adult mortality of pulse beetle, C.maculatus ISSN:2319-5134 (September 2012) Yes
15 International Journal International symposium -Insect pest management. . Effect of chosen botanicals on the oviposition deterrence and adult emergence Of callosobruchus maculatus (f) (coleoptera: bruchidae) C.Padmalatha, A.J.A.Ranjith singh Abstract 23-25th February 2011.
16 National Journal National seminar on recent trends in pest management and conservation of our natural enemies The potential of using insecticidal properties of botanicals against pulse beetle, C.maculatus Abstract . (March 2012)
17 -Select- Proceedings on environmental protection and sustainability Efficiency of vermicompost on the growth and yield of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. 3 ISBN: 978-81-942482-0-0 August, 2019
18 National Journal Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Evaluation of different agricultural wastes on biological efficiency of Pleurotus ostreatus 1 ISSN-2349-5162 April 2020 3.1 yes
19 -Select- Proceedings on entrepreneurship in microbiology Comparative study on the Growth and yield performance of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) using different substrates 2 August, 2019

20 Details of Research / other awards received :
S.No Research / Other award Type of Award Title of the Award Awarding Agency / University / Government Year
1 Research award International Best paper presentation - I prize Dept. of. Microbiology Sadakathulla Appa College Tirunelveli 2019
2 Research award National Best poster presentation award-I prize Department of Microbiology, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi 2021

21 Details of Membership in Editorial Board of Books/Journals/magazines/other records published in our college :
S.No Name of the Journal/magazines/other/records Status in the Board ISBN/ISSN No.(if any) Year

22 Various Positions held :
S.No College/University/Institution Position Department Duration
1 Sarah Tucker College, Tirunelveli -7 Head of the Department PG Department of Zoology (S/F), 1.03.2011 To 31.06.2013
2 Sarah Tucker College, Tirunelveli -7 Staff Council Member PG Department of Zoology (S/F), 2011 to 2013

23 Membership in other Academic Agencies/bodies :
S.No Name of the Agencies Board Period

Last Updated on : 01/02/2020 09:05:10